12 m high cascade waterfall located right in the center of the village Lucky, under the church of Elevation of the Cross enchants all visitors as it’s falling into small ponds from the edge of the travertine terrace.
Lucansky waterfall is a great rarity lying in the middle of the village under Choc mountains. It is one of five Slovak waterfalls declared a national natural monument.
Waterfall is beautiful in every season and every time it appears in a different form.
It is heaviest in the spring when the snow melts from the surrounding hills. In winter it never freezes because of the hot springs flowing in.
Rare paleontological and archaeological finds were found in its vicinity.
The village Lucky lies near Ruzomberok on the old road that connects the middle of Liptov with Orava. The waterfall is easily accessible, it’s possible to park in the vicinity and walk there through a small park.